
We are here to answer any questions you may have. All you need to do is drop us a line and we will be in touch as soon as we can.

How can I partner with knusPerks?

We welcome any applications from businesses wanting to offer a bespoke discount to our volunteers.  Applying is easy, simply complete the form on this page and we will be in contact as soon as possible.

How does knusPerks offer it's volunteers a discount?

You can setup the following:

  • Online discount code
  • In store discount code

Please note, in-store purchases require verification of the volunteers ID card.

Let's get started.

knus mental health C.I.C.
3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street
0300 030 5687 (KNUS)

Please note, we do not provide support via the telephone unless it’s arranged by one of the team in advance.